miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014



Olucha Colors as one of the leading producers of ceramic pigments for the production of digital inks in Spain last months is developing new business line in order to give support to all those new companies ready to start production of ceramic digital inks with the right pigments.
Our company offers special pigments for the production of digital inks, these pigments will make to your company save hundreds of hours of work due to the fast adaptability to the production process of digital inks.

At this time our company is collaborating with at least 10 companies in the production of ceramic digital inks worldwide, from Spain and Italy till Russia or Brazil our company has project for the production of these special products worldwide.
If your company is looking for the right partner for the production of ceramic digital inks, don't allow third parties to sell dreams to you, be sure that you will be successful just calling to our company 24/7. Our experiences and knowledge about pigments business will allow your company to be successful in the production of so special products within less than 4 months.

We look forward to your comments as we know many companies require our collaboration, and we know we're their right partner.

Olucha Colors Sales Team

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014


Market of ceramic digital inks is booming at this time in India. One of the most populated countries in the world with a strong economical development require a huge quantity of ceramics every year and now all local companies wants to develop their digital technology.

In one year number of printing machine has gone from just 50 machines to almost 500!!!! and this trend is going to continue in incoming years.
India has changed directly from printing screen to digital printing without giving the intermediate step of rottoprinting.

Not only the producers of tiles are crazy about digital technology, also producers of raw materials are interested in this new technology for them (in Spain is working for 8 years...) and many producers of ink are starting up all around the country.
Low cost of labour hand and public economical support are helping to companies in order to move for this investment. At same time, indian mentality about producing all products inbounds is helping to the development of this technology.
Usually Indian people like to purchase raw materials locally in order to avoid delays, currency issues and be able to get service from a person with the same language and culture as them.

From our side, at this moment we're collaborating with several Indian companies in the development of this kind of project. The market is increasing and we're facing huge opportunities for ceramics in India due to our experience and connections in local market.