Despues de Cevisama llega.... QUALICER 2010!
La cita bianual de la industria ceramica en un foro de intercambio global, durante dos dias algunas de las mas mentes mas formadas en materia ceramica a nivel global se reunen en Castellon para poner en comun sus experiencias y conocimientos en lo que es conocido como el mayor foro global de intercambio de informacion sobre ceramica.
Como a dia de hoy la edicion de este año de Qualicer ya ha tocado a su fin os dejo un enlace en el que podeis ver cuales han sido las conferencias y ponencias que nos ha deparado esta edicion:
Para tener un completo acceso a la documentacion de Qualicer este es el enlace de la web oficial del evento:
Y para llegar un poco mas lejos, el siguiente enlace (previo registro en la pagina web) os permitira acceder a todos los documentos que se han aportado a Qualicer desde su primera edicion, esta herramienta resulta especialmente util para favorecer nuestra formacion tecnica dentro del mundo de la ceramica. Tan solo hace falta ponerse a buscar un poco para encontrar informacion mas que interesante sobre diseños, materias primas, desarrollos... --> RECOPILATORIO DE PONENCIAS --> ENTRAR
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010
Join the conversation
Come on join the conversation!! Visit us in Twitter and give us your impressions about our company and our products!! We'll be glad hearing from you, and we look forward your comments and your suggestions!
jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010
Colores Olucha location
As many of you don't know who we are exactly and where are we working, this issue pretends to show you where are we.
We are located in Onda, in Castellon province in Spain and we're close to the most important ceramic companies of Spain and also to the most important frit manufacturers of the world, probably that is the reason for us to produce the best ceramic pigments in market...
That picture shows you where is located Colores Olucha, we're in B position:
We are located in Onda, in Castellon province in Spain and we're close to the most important ceramic companies of Spain and also to the most important frit manufacturers of the world, probably that is the reason for us to produce the best ceramic pigments in market...
That picture shows you where is located Colores Olucha, we're in B position:
martes, 16 de febrero de 2010
Comentarios sobre CEVISAMA 2010
CEVISAMA deja un balance muy positivo a juicio de algunos de sus expositores tras cerrar ayer su 28 edición. Lo más destacables ha sido la actitud de los empresarios, y el gran nivel de las propuestas que se han presentado por parte de las empresas que un año mas se han volcado en la innovacion como solucion a la crisis que tan duramente afecta al sector azulejero.
Cevisama cerró sus puertas, y los expositores consideran que esta edición ha significado un punto de inflexión en la industria de la cerámica, piedra natural, mármol, equipamiento de baño, fritas y esmaltes, tejas y ladrillos y maquinaria.
Los resultados del certamen, a juicio de algunos de los expositores son positivos debido a la calidad de los visitantes y la innovación del escaparate. Una vez mas podriamos decir que la exhibicion "ha salvado los muebles" gracias al compromiso que demuestran las firmas participantes.
En la presente edicion y a diferencia de otros años, se ha notado una mayor afluencia de publico profesional, lo que ha dado un mayor peso a la exhibicion, que en los ultimos años se veia muy influenciada por una afluencia de publico que poco o nada tenia que ver con las posibilidades de negocio.
Tambien hay que reseñar como mejora respecto al año pasado, la actitud que han tomado las empresas de cara a esta edicion, en la que se ha optado por un positivismo ausente el año pasado, cuando la edicion se vio muy marcada por la crisis. Ahora mismo las empresas tienen clara la linea que deben seguir para salir adelante de la crisis y por ello la actitud durante esta edicion ha sido muy buena y se ha intentado potenciar de un modo claro la innovacion y el desarrollo de las empresas.
De esta feria se obtienen algunas buenas sensaciones de cara al 2010, a pesar de que el panorama nacional está bajo por la crisis y por la falta de medidas de esfuerzo de las administraciones para presentar ayudas y salir de la crisis, la esperanza del sector cerámico está puesta en que el 60% de la economía del sector esta centrada en la exportación, con lo que si los países del resto de Europa empieza a repuntar hará un efecto de arrastre de nuestra economía y por lo tanto el sector podra comenzar a salir del agujero poco a poco...
Como podemos ver la valoracion final de la exhibicion es bastante positiva, tanto desde el punto de vista tecnico (innovacion, nuevos productos y diseños), desde el punto de vista animico (sensacion de que lo peor ha pasado y ahora la tendencia comienza a ser positiva) y desde el punto de vista economico (participacion de muchos profesionales de la construccion que han aportado un buen ritmo de cara al cierre de operaciones de compra-venta).
Cevisama cerró sus puertas, y los expositores consideran que esta edición ha significado un punto de inflexión en la industria de la cerámica, piedra natural, mármol, equipamiento de baño, fritas y esmaltes, tejas y ladrillos y maquinaria.
Los resultados del certamen, a juicio de algunos de los expositores son positivos debido a la calidad de los visitantes y la innovación del escaparate. Una vez mas podriamos decir que la exhibicion "ha salvado los muebles" gracias al compromiso que demuestran las firmas participantes.
En la presente edicion y a diferencia de otros años, se ha notado una mayor afluencia de publico profesional, lo que ha dado un mayor peso a la exhibicion, que en los ultimos años se veia muy influenciada por una afluencia de publico que poco o nada tenia que ver con las posibilidades de negocio.
Tambien hay que reseñar como mejora respecto al año pasado, la actitud que han tomado las empresas de cara a esta edicion, en la que se ha optado por un positivismo ausente el año pasado, cuando la edicion se vio muy marcada por la crisis. Ahora mismo las empresas tienen clara la linea que deben seguir para salir adelante de la crisis y por ello la actitud durante esta edicion ha sido muy buena y se ha intentado potenciar de un modo claro la innovacion y el desarrollo de las empresas.
De esta feria se obtienen algunas buenas sensaciones de cara al 2010, a pesar de que el panorama nacional está bajo por la crisis y por la falta de medidas de esfuerzo de las administraciones para presentar ayudas y salir de la crisis, la esperanza del sector cerámico está puesta en que el 60% de la economía del sector esta centrada en la exportación, con lo que si los países del resto de Europa empieza a repuntar hará un efecto de arrastre de nuestra economía y por lo tanto el sector podra comenzar a salir del agujero poco a poco...
Como podemos ver la valoracion final de la exhibicion es bastante positiva, tanto desde el punto de vista tecnico (innovacion, nuevos productos y diseños), desde el punto de vista animico (sensacion de que lo peor ha pasado y ahora la tendencia comienza a ser positiva) y desde el punto de vista economico (participacion de muchos profesionales de la construccion que han aportado un buen ritmo de cara al cierre de operaciones de compra-venta).
miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2010
CEVISAMA, first day
As every year CEVISAMA has arrived on February and this year many companies are thinking of it as their salvation for the crisis. They see in Cevisama the possibility for improving sales and make this year 2010 better than 2009. But after my first day in Cevisama my personal impression is that there wasn't many people and there's no such happiness as other years.
Maybe next days everything go better, but many companies are already thinking that this year the exhibition is not going to be successful. We will see today and tomorrow how everything is going on... and of course don't trust everything you read on newspapers or everything you watch on TV, they always say that everything go better than what reality is.
After this first visit and after visiting many stands of the most important companies of international ceramic industry I can tell all of you which are my favorite stands for visiting this year during the exhibition... they are Venus Ceramica and Gemma Ceramics stands.
Venus Ceramic is a spanish company located in Nules (Castellon) that has an incredible stand, that stand is a really nice place for seeing the quality that they are producing, good ilumination and good mixture of different colours in the showrooms... For me that company has this is number one in quality in this exhibition.
Gemma Ceramics are an egyptian company that has also a very interesting stand with high quality products and a mixture between white and black colours, that offer an image of high class products really interesting for the visitors.
So after this first day in the exhibition we can say which are the companies that have chosen right their marketing for this event and which companies definitely are in the wrong way...
Maybe next days everything go better, but many companies are already thinking that this year the exhibition is not going to be successful. We will see today and tomorrow how everything is going on... and of course don't trust everything you read on newspapers or everything you watch on TV, they always say that everything go better than what reality is.
After this first visit and after visiting many stands of the most important companies of international ceramic industry I can tell all of you which are my favorite stands for visiting this year during the exhibition... they are Venus Ceramica and Gemma Ceramics stands.
Venus Ceramic is a spanish company located in Nules (Castellon) that has an incredible stand, that stand is a really nice place for seeing the quality that they are producing, good ilumination and good mixture of different colours in the showrooms... For me that company has this is number one in quality in this exhibition.
Gemma Ceramics are an egyptian company that has also a very interesting stand with high quality products and a mixture between white and black colours, that offer an image of high class products really interesting for the visitors.
So after this first day in the exhibition we can say which are the companies that have chosen right their marketing for this event and which companies definitely are in the wrong way...
lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010
Modern ceramic industry
In this blog we've shared several videos about ceramic industry, all of them show a ceramic industry dirty and not too developed. Real and modern ceramic industry is shown in the following video we're going to watch how a modern ceramic industry works. This company is located in the US out of the most important ceramic clusters of the world, and shows how a ceramic industry should be build for a correct production management.
The real situation in Castellon from Italian point of view
The present video shows how is going the crisis in Castellon, but this video is taken from a different point of view, the one that our direct competitors offer, Italy.
viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
Tuneando el blog
Hoy como algunos que ya nos hayais visitado previamente podeis ver estamos tuneando el blog, la cosa va poco a poco... pero bueno esperamos que en unos dias ( o unas semanas la cosa vaya a mas...)
miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010
How it's made, ceramic tiles?
This video shows, more or less how's the production of ceramic tiles nowadays, have a look, but don't think that everything in this video is like the reality...
En este video se muestra, mas o menos, como es la produccion industrial de ceramica hoy en dia. Echadle un vistazo, aunque no creais que todo lo que sale en el video es igual que la realidad...
En este video se muestra, mas o menos, como es la produccion industrial de ceramica hoy en dia. Echadle un vistazo, aunque no creais que todo lo que sale en el video es igual que la realidad...
Ceramics technology, the evolution of materials
Today, as we're close to the arrival of Cevisama's week, I want to share a video named "The future of materials, advanced ceramics", I got it from the net and this video speaks about the evolution of materials and with more detail about the evolution of ceramics. Here I reproduce the abstract of the video, and reading it you can decide if is possible to find it interesting or not, I'm sure many of you will enjoy the video, I think it's really interesting, and offer a new vision about the evolution of materials last years.
Also for watching this video you can follow this link:
Google Tech Talks March, 7 2008
The world has evolved a long way from the Stone Age to the Iron age, and we are now in the new age of engineered materials. Today's discussion will focus in the realm of advanced ceramics, materials that aren't typically found in nature and can withstand extreme conditions. These materials are being used to stop bullets, enable diesel engines to run more efficiently, produce solar cells, and much more. We will focus on Boron Carbide, Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbide and a few other materials, where you will learn about how they came to be, how they are made, and where they are used.
Speaker: Peter Goldstein
Peter has been fascinated with the world around him and always wanted to develop new materials since he was a child. He earned B.S and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Florida, focusing on ceramic materials. He is currently employed at Ceradyne, Inc. a high growth, cutting edge Advanced Technical Ceramics company as a Sales Engineer. He works on developing new applications with his customers using the materials Ceradyne offers, and as a hobby enjoys making glass sculptures at his home glass-blowing studio which he built. There he gets to make new creations beyond the constraints of the ordinary world by shaping glass with jet-engine like flames. He is also newly married to a wonderful woman, Jessica, and they live happily together in Huntington Beach, CA.
Also for watching this video you can follow this link:
Google Tech Talks March, 7 2008
The world has evolved a long way from the Stone Age to the Iron age, and we are now in the new age of engineered materials. Today's discussion will focus in the realm of advanced ceramics, materials that aren't typically found in nature and can withstand extreme conditions. These materials are being used to stop bullets, enable diesel engines to run more efficiently, produce solar cells, and much more. We will focus on Boron Carbide, Silicon Nitride, Silicon Carbide and a few other materials, where you will learn about how they came to be, how they are made, and where they are used.
Speaker: Peter Goldstein
Peter has been fascinated with the world around him and always wanted to develop new materials since he was a child. He earned B.S and M.S. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Florida, focusing on ceramic materials. He is currently employed at Ceradyne, Inc. a high growth, cutting edge Advanced Technical Ceramics company as a Sales Engineer. He works on developing new applications with his customers using the materials Ceradyne offers, and as a hobby enjoys making glass sculptures at his home glass-blowing studio which he built. There he gets to make new creations beyond the constraints of the ordinary world by shaping glass with jet-engine like flames. He is also newly married to a wonderful woman, Jessica, and they live happily together in Huntington Beach, CA.
Mas Orkut en Español
Orkut es una red social promovida por Google desde enero del 2004. La red está diseñada para permitir a sus integrantes mantener sus relaciones existentes y hacer nuevos amigos, contactos comerciales o relaciones más íntimas.
Es posible crear y mantener comunidades, que agrupan personas de acuerdo a sus gustos e intereses, en diferentes categorías, entre las que se cuentan: actividades, negocios, juegos, música, mascotas, religión, escuelas, comidas, preferencias sexuales, y algunas más.
Hasta hace algún tiempo solo podían acceder a esta comunidad aquellos que recibían una invitación de alguien que ya pertenecía a ella, esto mientras el servicio permanecía en fase beta. Hoy está abierta a cualquier persona, para ello es necesario tener una cuenta de e-mail simplemente.
El servicio ha sido diseñado por el actual empleado turco de Google Orkut Büyükkökten quien, para su anterior empleador Affinity Engines ya había creado un sistema similar denominado "InCircle" y cuyo objetivo eran las comunidades de alumnos universitarios.
En junio de 2004 Affinity Engines demandó a Google, debido a que consideran que Orkut está basado en el código fuente de InCircle. La acusación se basa en que algunos errores presentes en InCircle también están presentes en Orkut.
Actualmente tiene a su disposicion las opciones,primeramente la de establecer un Chat con amigos en fase Disponible y la de hacer publicidades de cualquier clase.
En sus inicios fue una red anglófona, mayoritariamente de EE.UU.. Sin embargo, desde el 2004 hasta hoy en día, los inscritos de Brasil han ido creciendo exponencialmente. Los datos estadísticos de Orkut, a fecha de junio de 2008 contabilizan como brasileños a más del 53% de los inscritos, siendo la segunda mayoría de India. Con un 16% del total. Es interesante también que en torno al 25% de los registrados son de países en vías de desarrollo como Irán, Pakistán, Paraguay e India muy por delante de países como Japón o el Reino Unido. También destaca la mayoría de gente entre los 13-25 años (superior al 50%), usado para contactar con amigos por una amplia mayoría (superior al 80%) y el estado de soltería (con alrededor de un 40%).
En 03 de enero de 2010 (Por País)
Brasil - 53,94%
India - 49,97%
Paraguay - 43,54%
Irán - 30,59%
Pakistán - 23,19%
Inglaterra - 0,56%
Japón - 0,45%
Portugal - 0,42%
Afganistán - 17,41%
Alemania - 0,39%
Canadá - 0,38%
Es posible crear y mantener comunidades, que agrupan personas de acuerdo a sus gustos e intereses, en diferentes categorías, entre las que se cuentan: actividades, negocios, juegos, música, mascotas, religión, escuelas, comidas, preferencias sexuales, y algunas más.
Hasta hace algún tiempo solo podían acceder a esta comunidad aquellos que recibían una invitación de alguien que ya pertenecía a ella, esto mientras el servicio permanecía en fase beta. Hoy está abierta a cualquier persona, para ello es necesario tener una cuenta de e-mail simplemente.
El servicio ha sido diseñado por el actual empleado turco de Google Orkut Büyükkökten quien, para su anterior empleador Affinity Engines ya había creado un sistema similar denominado "InCircle" y cuyo objetivo eran las comunidades de alumnos universitarios.
En junio de 2004 Affinity Engines demandó a Google, debido a que consideran que Orkut está basado en el código fuente de InCircle. La acusación se basa en que algunos errores presentes en InCircle también están presentes en Orkut.
Actualmente tiene a su disposicion las opciones,primeramente la de establecer un Chat con amigos en fase Disponible y la de hacer publicidades de cualquier clase.
En sus inicios fue una red anglófona, mayoritariamente de EE.UU.. Sin embargo, desde el 2004 hasta hoy en día, los inscritos de Brasil han ido creciendo exponencialmente. Los datos estadísticos de Orkut, a fecha de junio de 2008 contabilizan como brasileños a más del 53% de los inscritos, siendo la segunda mayoría de India. Con un 16% del total. Es interesante también que en torno al 25% de los registrados son de países en vías de desarrollo como Irán, Pakistán, Paraguay e India muy por delante de países como Japón o el Reino Unido. También destaca la mayoría de gente entre los 13-25 años (superior al 50%), usado para contactar con amigos por una amplia mayoría (superior al 80%) y el estado de soltería (con alrededor de un 40%).
En 03 de enero de 2010 (Por País)
Brasil - 53,94%
India - 49,97%
Paraguay - 43,54%
Irán - 30,59%
Pakistán - 23,19%
Inglaterra - 0,56%
Japón - 0,45%
Portugal - 0,42%
Afganistán - 17,41%
Alemania - 0,39%
Canadá - 0,38%
Here I leave you a link to wikipedia where you can read more information about Orkut, about its history and its evolution. As you can see in this document, Orkut is the most extended social site in several of the most populated countries in the world as India or Brazil
I hope you enjoy this link!!
Orkut, el inicio de las redes sociales
Today I want to share with all of you my opinion about Orkut, the original social site that right now most of us have forgotten.
Orkut was the original social site and it was set up before Facebook and MySpace were born.... but right now no one remember Orkut, all of us prefer Facebook and Twitter (also I do).
Here I leave you orkut link and I suggest to you to have a look on the begining of the social sites...
Of course you can look for us in Orkut because we're also there, just look for Colores Olucha and you'll find us!!
Orkut was the original social site and it was set up before Facebook and MySpace were born.... but right now no one remember Orkut, all of us prefer Facebook and Twitter (also I do).
Here I leave you orkut link and I suggest to you to have a look on the begining of the social sites...
Of course you can look for us in Orkut because we're also there, just look for Colores Olucha and you'll find us!!
martes, 2 de febrero de 2010
I would like to invite you to follow us in Twitter, just look for us ( Colores Olucha) and follow our tweets, we're always on the move!!!
Export Manager Business Card
Here you can see contact details of our Export Manager, contact him for everything you need of our company.
Ceramic industry
Continuing with our policy of sharing information about ceramic industry and knowing that this week everybody is thinking about Cevisama, I would like that you have a look to this video where you can see how's working nowadays a ceramic industry, this video shows a small part of the industrial process but it can give you an idea about how's working ceramic industry all around the world.
Next days Colores Olucha is going to share with all of you several videos where you can see how's working ceramic industry nowadays, we think it could be very interesting for many of you that could find this industry interesting.
Next days Colores Olucha is going to share with all of you several videos where you can see how's working ceramic industry nowadays, we think it could be very interesting for many of you that could find this industry interesting.
Contact during the exhibition
During the exhibition all of you that want to contact me, can do it to my mobile phone. If you don't have my mobile number just ask for it in this blogsite or by email to my personal business address.
Don't hesitate to contact me during the exhibition, I'm sure we can have a good time and maybe have a chance for business.
I'll be waiting for all of you in Cevisama 2010!!
Don't hesitate to contact me during the exhibition, I'm sure we can have a good time and maybe have a chance for business.
I'll be waiting for all of you in Cevisama 2010!!
lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010
The place for the exhibition
These are several photos about the place where you could meet me next week, Valencia Ceramic Exhibition. As you can see in the photos it's a nice place for a exhibition and I'm sure all people that visit the place will enjoy it.
We're ready to Cevisama!!!
Everything you need during the exhibition just contact me!! As you can see we're ready for the exhibition.
Facebook + Twitter + Blog
Now we have engaged our three connection lines to the whole world, facebook, twitter and our blogsite. If you are using one of those three systems don't worry all our information will arrive to you even it would be published in Facebook when you're using Twitter... everything is engaged and ready to work!!
Cevisama 2010
This year 2010 starts and again as every year arrives to us Cevisama, Valencia Ceramic Exhibition.
You can check all the information about Cevisama in their website
This corporate website offer us the opportunity of getting much information about all the companies that are participating in the fair and also about many of the new designs and developments that are going to be shown in the fair. Of course the website can be visited in Spanish and also in English... although in Spain not many people speaks english properly, lol!
Two of the most interesting issues that you can check in the website are the following:
"Bath Cube", the design entered by Fernando Muñoz Cebrián, a student a the Escuela Superior de Gestión de la Edificación (School of Construction Management) at the PUV, has won the International Bathroom Equipment Design and Technological Innovation Competition organised by CEVISAMA. Cebrián wins 2,500 euros.
The competition rules set a theme for the entries, which was "Open source bathroom".
You can check more information about this first issue in the following link:
El Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior celebrará durante CEVISAMA dos jornadas de su "Café con expertos", reuniones de carácter informal entre empresarios y expertos en mercados exteriores en las que se da asesoramiento personalizado sobre diversos mercados. En esta ocasión, los mercados seleccionados han sido Italia e India.
Para ello, el ICEX cuenta con la colaboración de Carmen García Cuevas, Jefa de Departamento de Bienes de Consumo de la Oficina Comercial de Milán y de Surabhi Arora, Analista de mercado de la Oficina Comercial de España en Nueva Delhi
This second issue that I show here in Spanish offer the possibility of meeting during Cevisama two people with long experience in foreign markets that could advice local companies in their aim of introduce their products in those countries. This year countries that have been chosen are Italy and India.
From my point of view this event is very interesting for local companies that visit the fair and give them more possibilities for getting good information from the fair.
You can get more information about this ICEX's service in the following link:
You can check all the information about Cevisama in their website
This corporate website offer us the opportunity of getting much information about all the companies that are participating in the fair and also about many of the new designs and developments that are going to be shown in the fair. Of course the website can be visited in Spanish and also in English... although in Spain not many people speaks english properly, lol!
Two of the most interesting issues that you can check in the website are the following:
"Bath Cube", the design entered by Fernando Muñoz Cebrián, a student a the Escuela Superior de Gestión de la Edificación (School of Construction Management) at the PUV, has won the International Bathroom Equipment Design and Technological Innovation Competition organised by CEVISAMA. Cebrián wins 2,500 euros.
The competition rules set a theme for the entries, which was "Open source bathroom".
You can check more information about this first issue in the following link:
El Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior celebrará durante CEVISAMA dos jornadas de su "Café con expertos", reuniones de carácter informal entre empresarios y expertos en mercados exteriores en las que se da asesoramiento personalizado sobre diversos mercados. En esta ocasión, los mercados seleccionados han sido Italia e India.
Para ello, el ICEX cuenta con la colaboración de Carmen García Cuevas, Jefa de Departamento de Bienes de Consumo de la Oficina Comercial de Milán y de Surabhi Arora, Analista de mercado de la Oficina Comercial de España en Nueva Delhi
This second issue that I show here in Spanish offer the possibility of meeting during Cevisama two people with long experience in foreign markets that could advice local companies in their aim of introduce their products in those countries. This year countries that have been chosen are Italy and India.
From my point of view this event is very interesting for local companies that visit the fair and give them more possibilities for getting good information from the fair.
You can get more information about this ICEX's service in the following link:
Taking care of environment
Colores Olucha as many spanish companies take care of environment with an strict control of emissions and water treatment, nothing is left out of control, we don't want to live in a polluted country so that's the reason for so strict control over our production. For knowing more about our control over atmosphere emissions and water treatment.
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